When Carrots Survive, Get out the Peeler

I thought about the carrots as we were driving away in December for two weeks in Mexico. I thought about the carrots as we were driving home, but then it was Christmas. I thought about the carrots as we were driving away in January for two weeks in Florida. I thought about the carrots as we drove back into the driveway, which was now covered in two feet of ice and snow. C’est la vie, carrots.

But oh how wrong I was. In March, when I lamented the carrots molding away in the ground since summer, my friend and master gardener Sandy said,, “Oh, they’re fine. Go dig them up. They’ll be really sweet.”

Boy, was she right. As I washed off all the mud from a colander full of surplus survivor carrots, I thought they needed to be the star of something. I remembered the cafeteria ladies plopping spoonfuls of carrot and raisin salad onto our trays, the Miracle Whip oozing out. Surely I could do better by these lively tri-color carrots.

And I did.

Survivor Carrot Salad

Six carrots of any and all colors
⅔ cup golden raisins
½ cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons sesame tahini
1 teaspoon garam masala
½ teaspoon salt
Juice and zest of one lemon or 3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons sugar

Peal and grate the carrots. Toss in the raisins. Mix all other ingredients and whisk with a fork and pour over raisins and carrots. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Great side with burgers or sandwiches.